Saturday, February 16, 2008

2008 Parent Info Packet & Calendar

Hello parents and swimmers!

It's been a while since we last updated, but we have several announcements to give you guys:

(1) The 2008 Parent Packet is available to all and has been delivered to your email inbox. If you have not received an email with the word document attachment, you are not on our email listserve. Please email to be added! We hope that this has been delivered in time for you to plan vacations accordingly: Lonestar is July 24-27 this year.

(2) Swim League Meeting. It will held at the Lakewest YMCA on February 26th @ 7pm. Jessica will be representing our team and will update you guys with any urgent information and/or major changes to the Dallas Metro swim league.

(3) Meet Coodinator position(s) open for 2008 season. We have just received word that BOTH of our meet coordinators, Casey Heim and Taressa Anderson, will have to step down for the upcoming season. If any one is interested in either taking on the role or nominating another parent (with their consent, of course) please let Ryan know. The role of meet coordinator is a very important part of our parent board and, therefore, open to two people. To give you a better idea of what the role entails:
  • Attend regular board meetings if necessary and provide an active voice to the successful functioning of the team.
  • No meet running experience necessary, but should possess excellent event planning and organizational skills.
  • Work closely with coaches to coordinate June 14 and June 28 split meets.
  • Coordinate parent volunteers and assign volunteer duties at meets.
  • Acquire donations from local venders to provide for hospitality room and concession stand.
  • Proficiency in Meet Manager operating program not needed, but willingness to learn.

The successful operation of our program depends strongly on parent voluteers like you! Please let us know if you are interested in stepping up to the plate. As coaches, our main goal this season is to provide your swimmers with undivided attention in stroke development; by helping us in this regard, we can provide more quality coaching for your family.

Looking forward to the 2008 season! Have a great end of school year.

Sincerely, Coach Ryan and Coach Jessica