Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Officials Training this Month!
Off-season information
Hello Team!
In order to prepare for season we have some announcements for the entire team. Please read this entire blog to get the most up to date information on the Richardson Rapids 2009 season.
We have an incredible board this season and I would like to thank them all in advance for the dedication to the Richardson Rapids Swim team. We have had our first meeting of the year and are already planning some wonderful events for the summer. Here is a list of the board members and their emails if you have the need to contact one of them. Since it is the parents enthusiasm of this team that have always impressed me most, I expect great things from this season. I would encourage each one of you to at least help out with one committee over the season. Contact the chairperson directly or contact me if you need some help or guidance on which position may be suited best for you.
President – Kristen Falies – Kfalies@jackhenry.com
Treasurer – Laurie Plese – laurie.plese@libertyIU.com
Secretary - Sara King – King-Sara@sbcglobal.net
Historian – Michelle Hamaker - hamakerbm@aol.com
Swim Official – Bill Webb – Wwebb@kodiaknetworks.com
Meet Coordinator – Casey Heim – caseyheim@tx.rr.com
Laurie Dunlap – laurie@lauriehdunlap.com
Concessions – Luke Plese – lplese@americanrad.com
Hospitality – Sheryl Donihoo - sdonihoo@addisontx.gov
Lone Star Coordinator – Carrollee Gresham - carrollee.gresham@wnco.com
Ribbons - Casey Heim – caseyheim@tx.rr.com
Pep Rally – Paige Reno - mommyreno@yahoo.com
Ice Cream Social – Nancy Dembny - nancy.dembny@ibsa.com
New Parent Coordinator – Annette Hornbeck – ahornbeck@hotmail.com
YMCA Partners Campaign – Nick Echtenkamp has asked our swim team parents to assist the YMCA with their annual Partners Campaign. This campaign raises money for our YMCA to use for scholarships to the YMCA. This fund will benefit our swim team directly as it does help sponsor some members of our team and allows children who may not have the means to participate recognize their goals too. There are 2 ways that a family can participate. The first would be to make a personal donation to the campaign. This can be done by contacting Nick atNickE@YMCADALLAS.org and making a pledge to the Partners Campaign. The second is to have a calling party at the Y. Nick has graciously offered us to set up the bounce house in the gym for the kids and will bring in pizza for the volunteers so that we can make a party of it all. I would love for us to show our support to the Y and help some children that might not have the means to participate in our swim team.
We had our 1st calling party on Saturday night and it was a tremendous success. We are almost to a $1000 and if we make it we will receive a banner that we can hang out by the pool thanking the Richardson Rapids swim team.
For those of you who donated your time and did the calling….Annette Hornbeck, Laurie Plese, Sara King, and Luke Plese. You guys rock!!!!
Skills clinic – As we all know, Coach Jessica is now working at the Lake Highlands YMCA. She is currently trying to arrange several weeks where our swimmers can come to her Y and participate in skills clinics prior to the season starting. If you are interested, please send Kristen Falies an e-mail ASAP. Your reply does not commit you to sign up, we are just trying to see how much interest we have and which age ranges would be represented.
Recruitment – Coach Ryan pointed out to the board that we have a big age gap in our team. We have lots of older kids and younger ones. As always word of mouth is the greatest recruitment tool that we have. If you know someone who’s child would be interested in swim team, please encourage them to sign up.
Kristen Falies