Wednesday, June 30, 2010

League Champs Meet July 3rd and 4th

A little information about next weekends League Champs meet.

First of all we want everyone to participate. We want to have as many relays as we can, and the more that swim, the more points we can earn.

It is a two day meet. Some events are on Saturday and some are on Sunday, so be careful when signing up. Also you need to write if you are unable to come on one day, because relays are both days so I will have to know who won't be there.It is fine if you are only available to come one day, but we would like for as many to make both days as possible.

We will get the information page out soon that will have entries and what days they are on.
The pool is outdoors and big, and we usually do not sit that close. So it is easy to miss an event. The coaches will be by the pool most of the time so it will be up to you to make sure the kids are making their events.

You must pay $5 per individual event.The team covers the cost of relays but you will have to pay for each individual event your child swims. So if they swim 3 things you need to write a check to the YMCA for $15.(This will be the same for Lone Star)Please have your check when you turn in your entries by next Wednesday.

Lap a Thon tomorrow
No practice on Monday


Coach David

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